Thursday, March 26, 2009

Antara Saf Berintegriti Dengan Yang Membawa Mati - A Kadir Jasin

My response to A Kadir Jasin's article entitled "Antara Saf Berintegriti Dengan Yang Membawa Mati"

Sdr. A Kadir Jasin,

Saya tidak terkejut tetapi amat kecewa dengan pemilihan Ketua Pemuda baru.

Persoalan saya:
(1) Adakah para perwakilan (khasnya Pemuda) tidak sedar akan sentimen negatif terhadap Ketua Pemuda yang baru mereka pilih?
(2) Adakah poket sendiri lebih penting dari UMNO?
(3) Adakah rasuah amalan hidup mereka?

Banyak lagi persoalan yang berkaitan bolih diketengahkan. Tetapi yang penting adalah mesaj yang diberi olih Pemuda UMNO kepada dunia luar dengan pemilihan ketua baru mereka.

"Kami sokong pesalah politik wang asalkan kocek kami berisi..."

Yang memilukan ialah pemuda-pemuda inilah barisan pemimpin dikemudian hari.

Hanya ada satu cara untuk membendung perkara ini dari menjadi lebih parah!

Tolak UMNO...! 

Rakyat mesti tolak UMNO jika para perwakilan Pemuda UMNO sendiri tidak bermaruah dengan memilih pesalah politik wang...!!!

Mana keinsafan UMNO? Mana...?


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mini Budget: Stimulating the Rakyat

My comment to A Kadir Jasin's "Mini Budget: Stimulating the Rakyat".

Sdr. A Kadir Jasin,

I don't understand the politicians and their statements. I am not a graduate from Oxbridge or some Ivy League from Mars nor Venus. Maybe that's the reason for my severe lack of understanding...

Banks are not lending! Worse... credit lines, trade lines etc are being scaled back. In some instances, cancelled! How are we to do business?

Demand from our export markets are down. Some as much as 80%. Cancelling of orders started as early as June/July 2008...

Don't tell me the government doesn't know anything about all these!!! Even if the demand from some of our export markets are holding up (just about), these buyers' credit/trade lines, LCs etc. are either being reduced drastically or cancelled altogether! 

Would you sell your product to some overseas buyer without LC or other form of banking instrument to ensure payment?

Where does it lead us? I don't know...

Our domestic market is too small to cushion the impact of reduction in exports... More manufacturers cum exporters are starting to default in their loan obligations. NPLs would increase... 

Would the government consider CDRC2? Whispers from the grapevine gave some hints to that effect! 

I don't know... Like you, I am also no longer in the information loop!

I would accept another "Tour-Of-Duty" similar to the 1997/98 crisis... but unfortunately I am not from Oxbridge so I may not be recall for another tour/active duty. 

I may not be from Oxbridge but I certainly am not a MORON...nor do I sleep on my job and neither do I flip-flop!!!

Dari Borneo ke Minang

p/s: It is embarrassing for a PM to not understand whether an issue has been resolved or otherwise... especially if it involves a territorial dispute with a neighbouring country!


Sdr. A Kadir Jasin dan para pengomen lain,

Given the failure of conventional financial system, I think the government should focus on moving towards and giving more prominence to Islamic financial system globally. 

Based on the little that I know, this will rid elements of gambling from the existing system plus some other undesirable elements that point towards an unjust system.

This is a golden opportunity to promote Islamic financial system as a credible alternative to the existing conventional one at a global stage.

What do you think?

Dari Borneo ke Minang